A common question asked about Esperanto is “how many speakers does it have?”. Well, the exact number of speakers, like many languages, isn’t known. Without a worldwide language census the answer can’t be preciously found out. However, there have been numerous studies that estimate how many people are able to communicate using Esperanto. A reputable study was done by … [Read more...]
Super Jetpack Lizard
After watching a video by Evildea about the lack of Esperanto games, I was inspired to make sure any games I made were translated into the language. After much hard work, I created my first game with an Esperanto translation – Super Jetpack Lizard. Super Jetpack Lizard (Esperante - Mojosa Rakettornistra Lacerto) is a 2d platform game where you play as a lizard with jetpack. … [Read more...]
6 Words Written Identically In English and Esperanto
Esperanto gets its word roots from many different languages, including English. This means there are numerous Esperanto words which are very similar to English and this will help you learn Esperanto words much faster (words that a very similar are called cognates). However, do you know what is even better than words that are similar to English? Well, words that are written … [Read more...]
5 Rude Esperanto False Friends
Learning vocabulary is an important part of learning a new language, Esperanto included. Vocabulary learning in Esperanto is made easier if you already know a European language such as English. However, there are many 'false friends' to watch out for. Some of these 'false friends' sound rude to an English speaker. … [Read more...]
Esperanto Vehicles
There are a wide variety of vehicles that have been created by humans over the years. These vehicles allow us to travel the world by land, sea and air. Whether you are travelling for work or pleasure, you need a vehicle to reach your destination. Here are 12 vehicles and their Esperanto word: … [Read more...]